May 30Liked by Angharad Jones

Oh my gosh, Harrison Ford at Cannes might be my new crush; what a babe! But also, the style is so good!!

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So dreamy! He wears that look so well too.

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Jun 6Liked by Angharad Jones

Come July around here it’ll be too hot for the sweaters and the long pants/sleeves but cute interpretations. I didn’t care for the English Patient but Kristin Scott Thomas was so gorgeous in that movie. She had some pretty good outfits too

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Yes, she had great outfits in that film! Unfortunately, here in the UK we often have to wear jumpers and trousers all year round 😅

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Trust me. I am very jealous.

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Love these picks and creations. For a bit now I’ve been drawn so much more to the men’s section and now I’m just like — yes, I should also be looking at them for inspo/swipe xoxoxo

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You can't beat the cut of a men's shirt or jumper though - always worth a look!

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May 30Liked by Angharad Jones

Love how you recreated the outfits! My favourite is the Harrison Ford one - so effortless yet stylish.

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I love that one too - it's so easy to wear and I always feel good in it (sign of a good outfit!)

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May 31Liked by Angharad Jones

That is the sign of a good outfit, you're right!

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This is so good- vintage men as inspo… stone clever !

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There are so many gems!

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Jun 4Liked by Angharad Jones

soooo dreamy & perfect

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Thank you Treska!

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Jun 4Liked by Angharad Jones

these are so good wow

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May 31Liked by Angharad Jones

Super stylish! So much inspo

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Filled with inspo!! Love it

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May 31Liked by Angharad Jones

Brilliant, creative and romantic.

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May 30Liked by Angharad Jones

Oh man I’ve been wanting to recreate that Harrison Ford look for so long. This was such a cool and helpful post!!

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So glad you like it! That look is such a good one.

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May 30Liked by Angharad Jones

We need longer white shorts though- jist like the ones in jcrew image. Im sick of most of women shorts being so SHORT. Its not like we women are somehow biologically designed to wear shorter leg lenght, are we?

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Take a look at COS - they have some really great knee-length shorts at the moment in a variety of fabrics

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May 30Liked by Angharad Jones

Love this!

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May 30Liked by Angharad Jones

Alain Delon, forever such a gorgeous (and hella messy) icon

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May 30Liked by Angharad Jones

Loved so many pieces in this!!! Thank you for the edit. How comfortable are the saltwater fish sandals?

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Thank you Michelle!

The sandals are a bit stiff at first so take a bit of breaking in. They're water-resistant so I submerged mine in water (which they recommend) before wearing them around the house, now they mould to my feet perfectly. I wore them loads last summer and imagine I will again this year!

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May 30Liked by Angharad Jones

Thank you so much for the mention Angharad!! Super post! 🙏❤️

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